I love lemon flavoured cakes and desserts but I like them to have a really strong lemon flavour so this lemon cake is only going to be the one for you if you really appreciate the tangy fruit too!
The icing is optional as even without, the cake is very lemon-y!
The temperature for the cake is 170°C and it really needs to be no higher, as you can see from the picture my cake got slightly too done on the outside because I wanted to double up and bake it at the same time as a brown bread loaf so everything went in at 180°C – I won’t be making that mistake again!
Ingredients :
- 175g sugar
- 120g melted butter
- zest of two lemons
- 3 eggs
- 150g flour
- Juice of two lemons (approx 80g)
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
For the icing :
- 125g icing sugar
- 25g lemon juice
Method :
- Pre-heat oven to 170°C
- Melt the butter in the microwave
- Mix the butter and sugar together
- Add the lemon zest and then the eggs, one by one mixing well after each one
- Mix in the flour and baking powder
- Pour in the lemon juice and mix well
- Pour the mixture into a greased 1lb loaf tin and bake for 40 mins at 170°C (it may need 5 minutes more or less depending on your oven)
- When the cake is cooked remove from the tin and wrap immediately in clingfilm while waiting for it to cool, this will keep the cake lovely and moist!
- Whisk the icing sugar with the lemon juice
- Remove the cake from the clingfilm and place on a grill
- Cover the cake with the icing and leave for a few moments for the icing to harden
- Eat!
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