Auvergne is a region in south central France, home to the city of Clermont-Ferrand. This recipe is from the region, hence the name, and uses the local Cantal cheese.
Ingredients :
- 400g potatoes
- 4 ripe tomatoes
- 10cl olive oil
- 25g butter
- 1 pate brisée or short cut pastry, see here
- 150g Cantal cheese
- 100g lardons
- Salt
Method :
- Wash the potatoes and cook them for 15 minutes in salted boiling water, then strain
- Pre-heat oven to 210°C
- Place the tomatoes for at least 30 seconds in boiling water, then immediately put them in cold water, this will make it possible to peel them
- Once peeled, slice the tomatoes and place them in a dish, add salt and pepper, then pour the olive oil over them
- Roll out your pastry and then transfer it to your tin (24cm round tin) and prick the base with a fork
- Remove the rind off the cheese and slice and slice it in fine strips
- Put the lardons in boiling water for a few minutes until they are cooked, then strain
- Spread the lardons with 1/2 of the cheese evenly on the pastry base
- Peel and slice the potatoes and place them on the cheese and lardons
- Cover the potatoes with the tomato slices and then pour the tomato marinade over them
- Use the rest of your cheese on top of your dish
- Cook for 30 minutes at 210°C
- Allow to cool for 10 minutes before eating and serve with a green salad
* Depending on where you are it may be difficult to source cantal cheese but you can replace it with a different hard cheese – cheddar would work really well with this recipe!

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